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PES2012 官方EXE升级补丁V1.01已发布下载

2011-09-28 16:01:00 作者:peser| 来源:11player| 热度:
  • 名称:PES2012 官方EXE升级补丁V1.01已发布下载
  • 语言:简体中文
  • 大小: MB
  • 评分:



1. 解压缩.
2. 运行PES2012Patch101.exe安装升级




English US

Patch Notes

Time of Release: 9/29/2011

<Details of patch 1.01>
Facebook tie-in features have been added to the game.
Improvements have been made to the Gameplay AI.

Please be made aware that sometimes, during installation, the process may appear to have stalled with the window status shown as "not responding" for a few minutes.
However, we would like to ask you to wait for the installation to resume rather than to retry or abort as the installation is in progress even when the above symptoms occur.

We would like to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
发布时间:2011年9月29日<细节补丁 1.01>